Special Feature: Products Sally Recommends
Know These Twenty Seven Wineries ??
It isn’t clear to us why we have to learn the same lesson every year, but apparently we do. After three glorious months in wine country this season we are once again resigned to the fact that we simply cannot taste every wine in Napa. Now, this “failure” certainly isn’t for lack of trying, but these days there are just too many people making too many wines. In fact, it is surprising that we don’t see more clunkers out of the thousands of wines we have been able to identify that are produced right in Napa, but that is a testament to modern equipment, knowledge, and work ethic. It also means that the vast majority of what is put into the bottle is at least worth a try.
What we HAVE been able to discover throughout the summer is a great number of under-the-radar wineries making wines that deserve to be sampled by enophiles and budding enophiles everywhere. As we set out our top twenty seven (“twenty-seven” being our personal luckiest of numbers), there are certain criteria we have followed.
We use the phrase “under-the-radar” here to mean wineries that we subjectively believe are not as well known as the quality of their wines suggest they should be. Thus, we may have purposely omitted many outstanding producers if, in our opinion, they are well enough recognized. Our selections are of course influenced by the fact that we have not, as we said above since it is an impossible task, tasted everything available. In theory, then, we could update every time we sample a wine. It should be noted as well that some of these wineries we will name are quite established, while some are new and perhaps still operating out of a small garage. The parameters revolve around how well each winery is known, or should be known, and not around whether it had been out there for any particular length of time or has a large facility.
Oh yes, to be part of this list there is one more requirement that is important for all of us who love wine, and that is that one can actually find and/or order wines from these producers. If a vintner is only making enough to sell out immediately, or requires wait time on an allocation list, we have not included his or her label no matter how new, how unrecognized, or how good the wines may be.
So here, in non controversial alphabetical order, are those 2007 wineries we think are not getting their due, and that we recommend you put on your list for exploration of their wines. You probably will never get to them all, and every wine made by every winery below is not stellar, but the fun of it all is the attempt to learn what is what.
1. Anomaly Vineyards
707-967-8448 www.anomalyvineyards.com
2. Ballentine Vineyards
707-963-7919 www.ballentinevineyards.com
3. Calix Wines*
707-363-5574 www.calixwines.com
4. Carter Cellars
707-942-4670 www.cartercellars.com
5. Chase Family Cellars
707-963-1284 www.chasecellars.com
6. Cloud View Vineyards*
707-963-2260 www.cloudviewvineyards.com
7. COHO Wines
707-258-2566 www.cohowines.com
8. Corley Family Napa Valley
707-253-2802 www.corleyfamilynapavalley.com
9. Eagle Eye
707-427-1600 www.eagleeyewine.com
10. Frazier Winery
707-255-3444 www.frazierwinery.com
11. Gustavo Thrace Wines
707-257-6796 www.gustavothrace.com
12. Havens Wine Cellars
707-261-2000 www.havenswine.com
13. Hollywood & Vine Cellars
707-967-9128 www.hollywoodandvineinc.com
14. hope & grace Wines*
707-944-2500 www.hopeandgracewines.com
15. Jocelyn Lonen Winery
707-257-2821 www.jocelynwines.com
16. Matthiasson*
707-265-9349 www.matthiasson.com
17. O’Brien Cellars
707-252-8463 www.obrienfamilyvineyards.com
18. Parry Cellars
707-967-8160 www.parrycellars.com
19. Pina Napa Valley
707-944-2229 www.pinanapavalley.com
20. Robinson Family Vineyards
707-944-8004 www.robinsonfamilyvineyards.com
21. Rocca Family Vineyards*
707-257-8467 www.roccawines.com
22. Ruston Family Vineyards*
707-967-8025 www.rustonvines.com
23. Sonador Cellars
707-320-8596 www.sonadorcellars.com
24. The Terraces*
707-963-1707 www.twrraceswine.com
25. Tom Eddy Wines
707-942-4267 www.tomeddywines.com
26. Tres Sabores
707-967-8027 www.tressabores.com
27. Veraison
707-226-2215 www.kruppbrothersestates.com
* In our eternal quest for full disclosure, we let you know that this winery (or the winery’s owner with another business) advertises in The Preiser Key to Napa Valley, a magazine owned by these writers (of course, among a number of interpretations, one could read this to mean we liked the wines so much that we invited them to participate).
Wine writers and educators Monty and Sara Preiser divide their time between Palm Beach County, Florida and the Napa Valley in California. They publish the world's most comprehensive guide to Napa Valley wineries and restaurants titled, appropriately, The Preiser Key to Napa Valley.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the businesses in question before making your plans.