Special Feature: Products Sally Recommends
The Daily Dish Archive
February 28, 2007
New Food Article: Contributor Anne Willan of La Varenne fame, shares The Secret Garden in Chelsea, London. We can learn how to make a Grand Sallet of Divers Compounds that includes samphire or sea asparagus.
February 27, 2007
New Indian Food Article: Contributor Monica Bhide shares Tikka in No Time--Convenient Ingredients Make Indian an Instant Cuisine. Recipes include Roasted Eggplant (Baigan ka Bhartha), Easy Chicken Tikka, and Pan-Fried Cheese With Potatoes and Cauliflower in Vinegar Sauce (Sirka Panir).
February 26, 2007
Girl Scouts Cookies: The Girl Scouts have marked their 90th year in the cookie business by getting most of the artificial fat out of all varieties of their iconic treats, which had been under attack by a few health-focused consumer groups. Tinkering with a popular recipe is something no cook does lightly, and Girl Scouts of the USA Vice President Denise J. Pessich said the changes were only made after the two commercial bakeries that make the cookies found trans-fat alternatives that didn't compromise flavor, texture or shelf life. The scouts have been careful not to bill the updated cookies as health food. Even with the changes, most varieties are still high in sugar and saturated fat. (HappyNews.com)
February 25, 2007
New M.F.K. Fisher Book: A Stew or a Story: An Assortment of Short Works by M.F.K. Fisher (Author) and Joan Reardon (Compiler, Introduction) is an eclectic, lively collection of Fisher's short stories, reviews, collection of essays and reminiscences. These fifty-seven pieces cover five decades of Fisher's writing for such notable and diverse publications as Gourmet, Bon Appetit, Ladies Home Journal, Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Bazaar, The New York Times, The New Yorker, and Vogue.
February 24, 2007
New Food Article: Radicchio Stars in a Winter Risotto by Solo Cooking with an Italian Accent contributor Toni Lydecker. A perfect solo meal for a chilly night, this risotto features nutrient-rich radicchio, a member of the chicory family that Veneto growers are marketing as “the winter flower.” Colorful photos included.
February 23, 2007
New Wine Article: Rieslings Are in Style by It's Time for Wine columnists Sara & Monty Preiser, who report "Recently activity surrounding Rieslings has hit a surprising surge. Sommeliers in the world’s top restaurants are recommending them to accompany various courses, friends in the wine industry routinely order them, and Asian houses of note offer a large selection of Rieslings on their wine lists. And if that weren’t enough, recent German vintages have received many ratings in the 90’s, including a near perfect 98 point rating from The Wine Spectator. Good wines (especially Kabinetts and Spatleses) at reasonable prices are still available. If all that sounds like a varietal out of favor, then we are less observant of the wine world than we like to think."
February 22, 2007
New Ingredient Focus Article: Saffron by contributors Marcel Biró & Shannon Kring Biró of The Kitchens of Biró includes a recipe for Saffron Shrimp-Leek Soup. Colorful photo and beverage pairings included.
February 21, 2007
Iron Chef America: Chef Lynn Crawford from Toronto, Canada challenges Iron Chef Bobby Flay to a battle of international proportions. Will this Canadian chef return home a victor, or will Iron Chef Flay take home the win? Air Times: February 25, February 26, March 01, March 02, March 03, and March 04.
February 20, 2007
New Otter Exhibit: Wild About Otters opens March 31st at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California. With their playful personalities and constant curiosity, otters make us laugh and warm our hearts. The exhibit will feature six sleek African spotted-necked otters (including two young pups), four rambunctious Asian small-clawed otters and the amazing tropical freshwater fishes, reptiles and plants - over 30 species in all - found in the lush tropical habitats these otters call home.
February 19, 2007
Happy President's Day
February 18, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year, the Year of the Pig.
February 17, 2007
New Travel Article: Omni San Diego Hotel--A California Treat--Sally enjoys the averages 70-degree year-round temperatures in San Diego and the Omni San Diego Hotel downtown close to PETCO Park.
February 16, 2007
New Travel Article: Afloat a Kettuvallam on Lake Vembanad in India Ammini Ramachandran enjoys a houseboat holiday in Kerala on Lake Vembanad. Colorful photos included.
Cutting Grocery Bills: Most of us take it for granted that we know how to shop for groceries. After all, we spent a lot of time doing it. Experts say, however, that it isn't as easy as it looks and that there are many ways consumers can save money as they navigate the grocery aisles. (HappyNews.com)
February 15, 2007
New Wine Article: When a Wine is Good – It’s Good: Patz & Hall by It's Time for Wine columnists Sara & Monty Preiser. Patz & Hall was founded in 1988 with the goal of producing what would be among the industry’s finest Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.
February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
February 13, 2007
New Spice Article: Our spice contributor, Ammini Ramachandran, shares the history of Red Pepper and a recipe for Spicy Hot Chicken Curry.
February 12, 2007
New Bread Article: Deconstructing the Baguette The baguette is the most demanding test of a bread maker's skill, says home baker Mark Schimpf. Photos included.
February 11, 2007
February Holiday Desserts: Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year and Mardi Gras Desserts from Diana's Desserts Newsletter. Very Red Raspberry Cheesecake, Tiramisu Cups in Phyllo Cups, Strawberry Heart Bundt Cake, Chocolate Lover's Creme Brulee, Chinese Almond Cookies, Sweet and Snowy Rice Dumplings, Mardi Gras King Cake, and Mini Beignets.
February 10, 2007
New Cajun Cookbook: In a Cajun Kitchen: Authentic Cajun Recipes and Stories from a Family Farm on the Bayou author Terri Pischoff Wuerthner tells of her family tree and roots which reach back to their 120-year-old Louisiana farmland. Wuerthner's recipes are mostly hearty hand-me-downs: from her father's first cousin, Madge, there's Pork Jambalaya, and Great-uncle Adolphe adapts a recipe from Central Grocery in New Orleans—Cayenne Roasted Pork Muffaletta, which employs the traditional olive salad. Her late Aunt Lorna, however, is the chief inspiration as well as the source for the majority of the concoctions. Her most intriguing choices include Chicken Maque Choux (a kind of stir-fry with corn and bell pepper). A handy glossary and color photos make this book special.
February 9, 2007
Paris to Roll Out Free Bikes: The City of Light wants to soon become a city of bicycles. Paris City Hall announced it has selected French outdoor advertising firm JCDecaux SA to operate a new free bicycle service in the capital. Joining other European cities like the Dutch capital, Amsterdam, Paris wants to make thousands of bikes available for free to commuters, strollers and tourists — in part to help cut down on pollution.
February 8, 2007
Tips for Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home: Krups, a leading manufacturer of premium home espresso and coffee machines, and the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) have created a bevy of beverage-brewing tips to help turn your brewing blahs into brewing ahhs with the perfect cup of coffee at home.
February 7, 2007
New Chile Cookbook: Real Women Eat Chiles by Jane Butel offers a secret to Healthy Weight-Loss - without dieting! Spice up your life with hot, fast, high-energy recipes for simply delicious cooking with chiles. Order Jane Butel's beautiful new cookbook and you'll receive more than $1000 worth of downloadable bonuses as your gift (limited time offer). Great colorful photos too.
February 6, 2007
Award-Winning Scone Recipe: Cindy's Cherry Chocolate Chip Scones won a special mention at the Boonville, California County Fair and Apple Show and are the perfect scone for any occasion. "Your family and friends will love them!" says Cindy Reinhart, co-owner of the Joshua Grindle Inn in Mendocino, California. They also appear in Margaret Fox's MORNING FOOD Breakfasts, Brunches & More for Savoring the Best Part of the Day.
February 5, 2007
New Dessert Cookbook: One Cake, One Hundred Desserts: Learn One Foolproof Cake Recipe and Make One Hundred Desserts by Greg Case, Keri Fisher tells you how to master just one basic cake recipe and you'll be able to turn out one hundred other desserts simply by adding a pinch of this or a dash of that. The basic cake is easy. While the rich golden vanilla flavor is scrumptious on its own with nothing more than a sprinkle of powdered sugar, why stop there? The same recipe can be transformed into gooey, guilty-pleasure favorites such as Peanut Butter and Jelly Upside-Down Cake, Root Beer Float Ice Cream Cake, or Milk Chocolate Mousse Cake.
February 4, 2007
Food Companies Use Renewable Energy: A growing number of retailers are buying green power to reduce the environmental impacts associated with the electricity that powers their facilities. At the top of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's list of Top 10 Retail Partners is Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods Market, which offsets 100 percent of its energy with green power. Green power products purchased by the specialty grocer use several forms of renewable energy including wind, solar, geothermal and small hydro, according to the EPA's Web site. (Gourmet News)
February 3, 2007
New Cookbook: Puff Pastry Perfection: More Than 175 Recipes for Appetizers, Entrees and Sweets Made with Refrigerated Puff Pastry Dough by Camilla V. Saulsbury takes the mystery out of using puff pastry and makes the magnificence of puff pastry accessible to home cooks everywhere. You'll find appetizers, pot pies, quiches, pizzas, cookies and other confections.
February 2, 2007
Sally's Place Contributor and personal friend Sharon Tyler Herbst, author of the indispenseable kitchen dictionary "The Food Lover's Companion," died recently of ovarian cancer at her home in Bodega Bay, California. Herbst also authored 16 other food books, including "The Food Lover's Tiptionary" and "The Ultimate A-to-Z Bar Guide." A new book, "The Cheese Lover's Companion," will be published in June by William Morrow.
February 1, 2007
Food Game: Eat It! Snacks & Sweets Trivia Game is a new board game about the fun foods that everyone loves to eat! Players test their knowledge by answering fun and clever trivia questions across five tasty categories: Chocolate, Candy, Cookies, Snack Attack, and Ice Cream & Desserts. The types of Eat It! trivia questions range from nostalgia and general knowledge, to marketing, jingles, product description, and tidbits.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the businesses in question before making your plans.