Special Feature: Products Sally Recommends
Brazilian Food Recipes
Bolinhos de Bacalhau (Codfish balls)
Pasteis Fritos (Fried Turnovers)
Sopa de Palmito (Cream of Palm Heart Soup)
Main Dishes
Caruru do Par (Shrimp and Okra entree)
Moqueca de Camarao (Shrimp Stew, Bahian style)
Strogonoff de Camarao (Shrimp Stroganoff)
Lombo com Farofa (Roast Loin of Pork accompanied by toasted manioc)
Bife Parmigiana (Beef steak Parmigiana)
Frango ao Vinho (Breast of chicken in red wine sauce)
Farofa (accompaniment to many meat and seafood dishes)
Aipim Frita (Yuca or manioc fries)
Coconut Milk (an ingredient in many other recipes)
Creme de Abacate (Avocado Cream)
Merengue de Morango (Strawberry meringue)
Biscoitos de Maizena (Cornstarch cookies)
Note: This information was accurate when it was published. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the businesses in question before making your plans.